Surgery – first step of the cure

For me, surgery was the first step of the cure.  Having never had any major surgery it was a scary prospect.  The first mastectomy I had was a modified radical.  This meant that the surgeon would be taking lymph nodes.  He planned to take 4 or 5 nodes but once he was in there he felt he needed to take more, it turned out to be 24 in all.  The nodes were enlarged and he was worried that they were cancerous.  Having dimpling of the skin, a tumor that looked to be about 2 cm and was less than a millimeter from the chest wall gave him reason to believe the cancer could have metastasized into the lymph nodes.   Fortunately for me, all 24 nodes were clear.  But this made for a slow and sometimes painful recovery. It’s been almost two years since the first surgery and I’m still healing.

The second mastectomy was almost a year to the day from the first, it was a Simple Mastectomy.  This time the surgeon only took one lymph node, which was clear of cancer.   The complication with the second surgery, I believe, happened when I was coming off the anesthesia.  When I woke up the nurse was saying she was trying to get my blood pressure down, all I can remember is that one of the numbers was over 200.  Later that day I started to swell up in the shoulder near the incision.  The nurse that night kept putting ice on it saying we needed to get the swelling down.  I told her it wasn’t helping, I was blowing up like a balloon.  One of my drains had stopped flowing several hours earlier which I later realized was a tell-tale sign.  The next morning the surgeon came in asking if I was ready to go home.  I said I am, but I wasn’t sure he would be when he looked at my shoulder.  As soon as he heard what was happening he called the nurses in and they unwrapped me as fast as they could, took my breakfast away and I was told I would be going back in for surgery as soon as they could find a slot.  It turned out to be a hematoma, a very large one.  The surgeon went in, cleaned up the bleeding and I was sent me home the next day.

The second mastectomy healed much faster, I had lymph nodes to process the excess fluid which made a big difference.  I still have a pouch of fluid from the first mastectomy and lymphedema in my arm.  I’m still working to reduce the fluid but it may be a battle I fight for a long time, maybe even a lifetime. I do feel surgery was necessary in my case.  I’m not sure how long it would have taken for my cancer to spread but I feel confident that it would have, especially given that I had new cancer appear the second year.  Surgery is not something to take lightly but until scientists come up with a real cure I see it as viable solution.

Resources – too many to count

There are so many sources of information for cancer patients it’s hard to chose just one to recommend.  A few of the resources I found helpful were the American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, the hospital where I had surgery, my cancer center where I was being treated, and a program called Bag It! .

The American Cancer Society was helpful in providing the opportunity to call and discuss my diagnosis and possible treatment.  I was able to compare what my doctors were recommending and what the national standard of care was.  It was very reassuring to know I was getting the recommended treatment for my type and stage of cancer.  I also enjoy their annual community event, Relay for Life.  I felt honored and understood at the event and they also showed appreciation for my Care Givers.  I liked that my whole family could participate and that it gave them an outlet for their emotions.  The American Cancer Society is a volunteer organization and their services pop-up almost everywhere.   An amazing organization!  Find them at

The National Cancer Institute is also a great source for information about all types of cancer.  You can also find out about the latest clinical trials, cancer statistics, research and funding and just about anything you’d like to know about cancer.  I found their material very comprehensive, it helped me to understand my types of cancer and how they affected my body.  I also found it very comforting that our government was so involved with cancer research.  I think we could use more funding in research, I’d love to find a real cure before my daughter may be faced with it, but I was glad to see more involvement than I knew about.  Visit their site at

If you require surgery your hospital will likely have information for you regarding your cancer.  They might also have other items made by volunteers that may help you.  My hospital gave me a little apron to hold my drainage bottles.  This came in very handy after surgery, I wore the first one out!


My cancer center had printed material too (you will receive more brochures and pamphlets than you can imagine).  More valuable though were the donations and free classes that were offered from various volunteer groups including the American Cancer Society.  Look Good, Feel Better is a class they offer to chemo patients.  You’re given a small makeup bag and tips for applying make up when you’re showing the side affects of chemo such as hair loss and yellowish skin tone.   They also offer wigs to patients that want one.

Another source of information came from a friend.  She gave me a bag of materials from a group called BAG IT!  It was a bag filled with pamphlets and a notebook to organize and document your treatments and doctor visits.  For more information on the program visit

These are just a few of the many sources of information available to cancer patients.   Look around and find the sources that help you the most.