Breast Cancer – the end of the world?

For some, breast cancer is very serious and may be fatal but for the majority of women it is not the end of the world.  It may seem like it at times, especially when you’re going through treatment or recovering from surgery but for the majority it is survivable.  As I’ve been told many times by doctors and other cancer specialists, most breast cancers are considered to be some of the “good” cancers.  When you’ve first been diagnosed you think, how can anyone say such a thing?  But once you research the varieties of breast cancer and the numerous other cancers that affect people, you begin to understand what they mean.  The majority of breast cancers are treatable with a very high success rate.  Other cancers like brain cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, and many more are not as successfully treated and cured.   I was fortunate that my cancers, yes plural, were caught relatively early.  My first cancers were not caught early enough to avoid chemo and radiation but early enough that they had not metastasized.  My second go round with cancer, diagnosed almost a year to the day of the first, was caught early enough that surgery was the only treatment needed,    So, be diligent in your exams and watch for any changes and report them to your doctor because the best way to beat cancer is to catch it early!