Diagnosis – waiting Is

Waiting for your diagnosis can be excruciating and the anxiety can feel like it’s going to kill you.  It’s hard to understand how no one seems to have the sense of urgency that you do.  No one seems to understand the importance of your potential diagnosis.  Expect to wait.  Some things will move very quickly, but others will seem to take forever.  I found the best way to use my time was to do research and formulate questions.  I made lists of questions for my doctors.  One list for a positive diagnosis and a second list for negative results.  I also tried not to dwell on the possibilities because without the facts the worrying does no good.  I cleaned house and did laundry just in case, I tried to prepare myself for possible surgery and down time.   I spent time with my family, enjoyed meals together and discussed things that we all felt good about like past outings and funny things that had happened with each other or our pets.  I talked to family and friends, I shared my anxiety with them and they shared similar experiences.  Sometimes it helps to know you’re not alone and others have felt the same way as you at one time or another.  You will get the results, once you do you will need to be ready to make choices.  Remember they are choices for you to make, not requirements, but choices that you need to be informed about and ready to act on.

One thought on “Diagnosis – waiting Is”

  1. Francine Acuna says:

    Hi Kathy,
    Thank you for sharing your most personal story. I will pray for your continued health!
    Your friend,
    Francine Acuna

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